Part 1 – Business cases for Insulating Concrete Forms for:
- Residential Basements & Complete Homes
- Commercial Multi-Family Mid-Rise Buildings. This section is targeted to architects, engineers, developers, policymakers, and government officials. Concrete contractors and product suppliers will also benefit.
Part 2 – Best practices for the installation and construction aspects of Insulating Concrete Forms.
This section is targeted to contractors with detailed classroom and hands-on instruction. Design professionals, developers, policymakers, and government officials are welcome to participate.
Part 1: 8:30 am – 11:45 am
The Business Cases for Insulating Concrete Form Construction
1. Homes and Basements (90 minutes)
National and provincial building codes will change significantly over the next 12 to 15 years and builders will be challenged to adapt their construction practices to the quickly evolving requirements. They will be seeking the most cost-effective solutions while looking to avoid a myriad of costly, and risky, unintended consequences. As the national and provincial building codes evolve over the next decade, insulating concrete forms will play an increasing role in the construction of foundations and full height homes. This section will overview the business case for both residential applications.
2. Mid-Rise Multi-Family Buildings (75 minutes)
Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs), combining the strength and durability of reinforced concrete with the versatility and energy efficiency of rigid insulation, provide an ideal solution for both commercial and mid-rise multi-family buildings. With a comparable first cost to wood, steel and CMU construction, ICFs improve occupant safety, fire resistance and noise transmission for commercial and mid-rise multi-family buildings. This section will address how the thermal properties of ICFs, combining the high R-value of rigid insulation with the thermal mass of concrete, offer building owners significant energy savings over the long term. The session will also provide guidance on how to minimize the cost of ICF construction to take full advantage of these benefits, resulting in investments that are secure and generate long-term value.
Part 2: 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Best Practices for Insulating Concrete Form Installations
Lighter, faster and more cost-effective than other forms of construction, Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) are quickly becoming the construction method of choice for all forms of construction including single and multifamily, hotels, schools, and offices. Concrete contractors, masons, and framers have an opportunity to learn how their trade can work with ICFs to enhance their competitiveness in today’s construction environment. This course will give you the training you need to begin building with one of the fastest-growing building systems on the market – ICFs.
• Demonstrate the specific characteristics of ICFs
• Describe the benefits of ICF construction
• Explain the construction advantages and efficiencies
• Demonstrate the interaction between trades and ICF installation
• requirements and techniques
• Recognize that ICF technology can expand your business opportunities.
• Product demonstration and hands-on instruction