Insulating Concrete Forms Manufacturers Association (ICFMA)
Welcome to the Insulating Concrete Forms Manufacturers Association. The ICFMA is comprised of industry-leading ICF manufacturers and material, technology and accessory manufacturers. The mission of the ICFMA is to promote and enhance the social, environmental and economic value of insulating concrete forms in the North American marketplace.
Optimizing heating and ventilation for sustainable living with Nudura ICF
Insulated concrete form (ICF) construction enables incredible design versatility, with [...]
6 ways to cut back on energy bills
It’s no secret that the cost of everyday living is [...]
What every builder and architect should know about building codes
Building codes are constantly evolving based on the latest research [...]
The Build with ICF Podcast
The Build With ICF podcast features hosts Trevor Brown and [...]
NRMCA 100 – Link to downloadable file
The NRMCA 100 provides a simplified approach to the design [...]
How to Install and Flash Window and Door Openings in ICF Walls
Installers, if you’re working with Nudura Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) [...]